
Amy’s Weight Loss Journey - How She Lost Weight and Gained Confidence, Happiness and Energy

Today, I want to take a break from posting about the Health Pillar Series to share the remarkable story of one of our clients, whom we’ll call Amy*. Amy’s journey isn’t just about shedding weight; it’s a testament to conquering obstacles and reaching her goals. Her journey may inspire you to take the first step towards a healthier you.

As Amy aptly puts it: “It wasn’t easy, but it was so worth it.”

How Amy lost her first 20 lbs

Amy first came to me in June 2022. She had already tried to lose weight several times with various crash diets that resulted in temporary weight loss. No matter the diet – soup diet, egg diet, water diet, tea diet, counting calories or something else – she always ended up gaining the weight she lost back and then some, becoming increasingly frustrated.

As a business owner with a tight schedule, Amy had little time for exercise and found meal preparation challenging. On top of that, she was spending a lot of money remodeling her house, meaning her budget was tight and she did not want to spend on nutritional supplements. Despite her hurdles, what struck me was her unwavering determination to make a change.

Phase 1: Step-by-Step

Guiding her through a step-by-step approach, we initiated some crucial changes to kickstart her lasting weight loss journey:

  • 30 Minutes of Daily Walking: Incorporating achievable physical activity.
  • Addressing Dehydration: Focusing on proper hydration, often overlooked.
  • Customized Low-Calorie Diet: Tailoring her meals to create a sustainable caloric deficit.

We designed a personalized meal plan centered on foods she enjoyed, gradually introducing fruits and vegetables. Amy’s feedback during our weekly check-ins was encouraging. She wasn’t feeling hungry, embraced the concept of “treat meals,” and relished “real food.”

After just 45 days, Amy had lost 13 pounds (6 kilos) and inches off her measurements. But Amy wanted more!

Phase 2: More walking, more protein

For her next phase, we increased her walking time and added more protein to her diet while adjusting carbs and more to make sure she did not feel hungry and had enough energy throughout her day.

After another 45 days, Amy had lost 10 kilos (22lbs) in total. She was ready for her phase three: Prioritizing muscle mass gain. But for that to happen, Amy had to start strength exercises like Crossfit, functional training or calisthenics. 

Finding health, happiness and energy

Three months prior, she did not feel like she could fit strength training into her busy routine – so I had made both prior plans fit her lifestyle by only adding in walking, instead of overwhelming her with changes. Now, however, her weight loss success had motivated her – and she decided she could fit in weight training twice a week.

Phase 3: Weight training

Throughout her weekly check ins, I kept seeing positive comments: Weight training was a success for her. Not only did she start going to the gym, she was managing to go four times each week – twice as often as we had agreed.

When she first started weight training, Amy had told me her measurements were decreasing, but she was concerned: her weight had increased. This was especially concerning to her since in the three months prior, she had consistently been losing weight. I’ll share with you what I told her back then – When it comes to weight loss, the scale doesn’t tell the whole story. That’s why working with a professional is vital—they understand the complexities of body composition.

What healthy weight loss did for Amy

Two months after starting to weight train, Amy was euphoric: Not only did she significantly change her appearance, her energy levels and focus had increased so much she was actually able to work more than before.

Amy is now in the best shape she has ever been, happy and more energized! Her journey shows how weight loss can go much beyond aesthetics, changing health and quality of life. 

What we want to offer you

Amy is one of the reasons why I co-created Nutrion – I want to help more people feel like she now does. With our approach, we make individualized nutrition and weight loss help more accessible, convenient and effective. Your unique journey is waiting, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

If Amy’s journey resonates with you and you’re ready to embark on a path towards better health, don’t hesitate to reach out (contact@nutrion.health).

*name changed for client privacy