
About us

Empowering you to be your best version!

Welcome to Nutrion, where we are dedicated to helping you achieve your health and wellness goals. Our personalized approach to nutrition is tailored to your individual needs, food preferences, and lifestyle. We are constantly updating our knowledge and skills to provide the best possible service. Get started now!


Vanessa Molter

Co-Founder, CEO

Vanessa has a business background and a passion for healthy living. She has always been interested in the role that nutrition plays in overall health and wellness and was inspired to start this company with Daniel to make a healthy lifestyle more accessible and help others achieve their health goals.

Vanessa is a software engineer and responsible for Nutrion’s technology and business strategy.


Daniel Caetano

Co-Founder, Nutritionist

Daniel is a nutritionist specializing in weight loss and sports performance. He holds a degree in Nutrition from the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR) and is taking a postgraduate course in Sport and Obesity at the University of São Paulo (USP). Daniel has already helped hundreds of clients reach their personal weight loss and performance goals.

A former professional Jiu-Jitsu athlete and black belt, Daniel has more than 10 years of practice in the sport and more than 50 state, regional and international titles, such as AJP European Champion (2018).